
Ellynora was born in Rome, Italy. She started taking singing classes at 14. At age 19 she moves to NYC by herself. Ellynora studies dancing at the broadway dance center and graduates in acting for film. In the meantime she records her first singles in a small basement studio in the Bronx and performs them in many NY venues. Her multilingual style takes her to perform at famous “Carnaval de Calle Ocho” in Miami. In 2018 Ellynora moves to LA. While she keeps working on her music she gets selected by LLCoolJ to be one of the faces for the new streetwear campaign of the famous “Rock the Bells” Radio. She releases: Spendo, Stay, Ciao Ciao Baby, and her italian debut single “Zingara” which means gypsy in italian. It is a song about freedom, about loving what makes everyone unique and different, it’s a song for the ones that call the entire world: Home. She performs it at the Festival Show with DJ Janelle to promote the union between women and wins “Best Single”. Ellynora gets selected by “Billboard Italy” to perform at the “best upcoming artists showcase”. The artist also performs at Primo Maggio, Deejay on stage, Calabria Fest where she wins “Best Live Performance” prize. The artist lives between Europe and the US. Ellynora’s music is a blend of southern Italian traditional sounds and todays modern ones. She found a world in which her roots could coexist with an international sound and multiple languages. Ellynora writes and direct her music videos.



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